1. Buka editor regedit dengan cara klik menu: Start > Run > ketik regedit ...
atau klik tombol windows + R --> ketik regedit
2. Cari key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Yahoo\Pager\Test]
3. Setelah itu klik kanan mouse di key Test pilih New > DWORD Value 4.
4. Hapus nama New Value #1 dan ketikan (ganti dengan) kata plural
5. Kemudian double klik maka akan muncul dialog Edit DWORD Value dan isikan nilai value data nya 00000020 lalu OK
6. tutup editor regedit
7. KAboooom... YM bisa dibuat JAMAK .................................
Versi English :::
1. Open regedit editor with the click menu: Start> Run> type regedit ...
or click the windows + R -> type regedit
2. Search key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Yahoo \ Pager \ Test]
3. Then click the right mouse key in the Test select New> DWORD Value 4.
4. Remove the name New Value # 1 and type (replace with) words plural
5. Then double click it will appear Edit DWORD Value dialog and fill in the value of its value data 00000020 OK
6. close regedit editor
7 Kaboom... YM can be made plural .................