Welcome and greeting to see u Netter ...

welcome to kedai onezt .....
thanks to come here ........ :)

Selasa, Januari 20, 2009

Tips and Trik ! OPen two YM in one Computer .

1. Buka editor regedit dengan cara klik menu: Start > Run > ketik regedit ... 
    atau klik tombol windows + R --> ketik regedit

2.  Cari key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Yahoo\Pager\Test]

3. Setelah itu klik kanan mouse di key Test pilih New > DWORD Value 4. 

4. Hapus nama New Value #1 dan ketikan (ganti dengan) kata plural

5.  Kemudian double klik maka akan muncul dialog Edit DWORD Value dan isikan nilai value data nya 00000020 lalu OK 

6.  tutup editor regedit

7. KAboooom... YM bisa dibuat JAMAK .................................

Versi English :::

1. Open regedit editor with the click menu: Start> Run> type regedit ... 
     or click the windows + R -> type regedit 

2. Search key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Yahoo \ Pager \ Test] 

3. Then click the right mouse key in the Test select New> DWORD Value 4. 

4. Remove the name New Value # 1 and type (replace with) words plural 

5. Then double click it will appear Edit DWORD Value dialog and fill in the value of its value data 00000020 OK 

6. close regedit editor 

7 Kaboom... YM can be made plural ................. 

Trick dan Tips ! Download Music FROM Imeem

Langsung aja to de point  m018.gif


1. Kunjungi situs www.imeem.com

2.  kemudian search music yang ingin di cari, terus ganti typenya dari everything ke Music


3. kalo udah muncul list lagu, klik song detail, nanti akan keluar url lagunya, di play dulu juga gapapa.. 

4. kopi urlnya 

5. paste ke http://file2hd.com/

6.  Check list di I have read and agree to the Terms of Service . Pilih filter : Audio kemudian klik get files

 7.   keluar link Right click on the url to save the file tinggal klik and download pake IDM apabila browsernya udah integrated.

 kalo ngga ya copy url aja kemudian buka IDM, dan klik add paste disana.

8. DOWNLOAAAAAD. [status filenya nanti adalah .flv]


9. Apabila hasil downloadnya berupa .gif ganti aja langsung [rename] dengan .flv


10. Apabila ingin mengconvert hasil downlod .flv menjadi .mp3 bisa menggunakan program yang saya upload.

silahkan download. 



12. CONVERT !!!

13. PUter deh lagunya ................................. 


GOOD LUCK ………..        m108.gif


1. Visit www.imeem.com 
2. and the music you want to search in the search, continue to change type From Everything   to Music 
3. I like the song list appears, click the song detail, will be out later url songs  
4. copy the URL 
5. paste to http://file2hd.com/ 
6. Check the list I have read and agree to the Terms of Service. Choose a filter: Audio and click get files 
7. Right click the link out on the url to save the file and click download live up IDM when browsernya is integrated. 
Why do I copy the url and open the IDM , click add and paste there. 
8. DOWNLOAAAAAD. [the status of the file is later. flv] 
9. When the results download the form .Gif directly replace [rename] with .Flv 
10. If you want to mengconvert results downlod. Flv to. Mp3 can use the program that I upload.  download. 
12. Convert! 
13. PLAY That song..............